For the Poor

I want a Church that is poor and for the poor. People with nothing have so much to teach us. In their difficulties they experience the suffering Christ.

Though he was rich, our Lord Jesus Christ became poor for your sakes, so that through his poverty you might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

This is Pope Francis’ dream, O God – that we let go of our attachment to material things and focus on those who have very little of this world’s goods. I am so attached to what I have that this prospect makes me nervous and afraid. I need to travel so far to get a new mindset, and for this I depend on “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” He became poor to make me rich in ways beyond my understanding. Amen.

Mary is Our Guide

Mary, Virgin and Mother; help us to bear radiant witness to generous faith, justice, and love of the poor; that the joy of the gospel may reach the ends of the earth.


I am the Handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word. Luke 1:38

Just as Pope Francis looks to Mary as an example of gospel living, so may I, gracious God. May she help me to bear “radiant witness” to my faith, to my practice of justice, and to my love and service for the poor. I want to say to you as Mary did: Be it done to me as you want it done. May I reflect the joy of the gospel in every aspect of my life. Amen.

I will pray often today: “I am at your service, O God; be it done to me as you will.”

Conscience: Bible Readings

Skim these Scripture passages. Pick one that appeals to you and

  1. summarize its main point,
  2. tell how it relates to the theme “Understanding Conscience”,
  3. list one or two thoughts that entered your mind when you read it.

The Central Logic of Christianity

In this Bishop Barron video, he lays out the argument about what is the “central logic of Christianity.”

Watch the video: pause, rewind, watch again, question, research, read scripture, note, start again, pause, note some more.

Write a post in your iblog in which you
• demonstrate an understanding of the main point(s),
• relates an idea(s) from the video to another text(s),
• offer your own arguments – agreeing or disagreeing with the points in the video – with supporting evidence.

Consider the rubric.

Multiple “Signs” of Intelligence in the Bible

Read about Howard Gardner’s eight “signs” of intelligence (and at wikipedia).

Consider the first seven intelligences for this activity:

  1. Spatial – picture smart
  2. Bodily-Kinesthetic – body smart
  3. Musical – music smart
  4. Linguistic – word smart
  5. Logical-mathematical – number smart
  6. Interpersonal – people smart
  7. Intrapersonal – self smart

Small Group Process:

Task 1: Form groups of 7, each member of the group studies a “set” or readings/questions. Each member then reports to the group: give a brief summary of the passage and share answers to the questions. If your group is short a member or two, divide the work fairly so all sets get done.

Task 2: The group members together complete the following task. Using the scripture passages below find:

  • 2 examples of the importance and/or value of musical intelligence
  • 3 people who are word smart
  • 2 people who use logical intelligence
  • 2 people whose understanding of Jesus is rooted in the intelligence of relationships
  • 1 person who is self smart
  • 3 passages that rely on spatial intelligence
  • 1 person who uses physical intelligence to understand Jesus.

Set A
Luke 10:38-42
What does Mary do?

John 11:5-6
What is Jesus’ attitude toward Mary, Martha and Lazarus?

John 11:20-22
What is Martha’s faith based on? Logic? A Convincing argument? Her relationship with Jesus.

Set B
Exodus 4:10-17
What is Aaron’s role?

Acts 8:26-38
Who are the two people in this story?
Why does one of them choose to be baptized?

Set C
2 Chronicles 5:11-14
What happens right before God’s presence fills the temple?

1 Samuel 16:23
Who calms Saul and how?

Set D
John 1:3-9
How is Jesus described in this passage?

Mark 13:24-27
How does Jesus speak about the second coming?

Ezekiel 1:4-28
Ezekial uses (music / logic / images / human relationships) to help understand God.

Set E
Exodus 18:13-27
What is Moses’ problem?
Who helps him solve it in a logical step by step way?

John 11:16
Who has a very matter-of-fact attitude?
What does he say?

John 20:24-29
Whose need for proof does Jesus understand and accept?

Set F
Luke 5:4-11
When does Peter first begin to understand Jesus?

Matthew 14:24-33
What does Peter do when he sees Jesus?

Matthew 17:1-8
What does Peter suggest in this passage?

John 13:3-10
What does Jesus do? how does Peter respond?
Based on these passages, which of the intelligences does Peter often use to understand and respond to Jesus?

Set G
Romans 7:14-23
Who does Paul talk about as he tries to explain law and grace?

1 Corinthians 2:1-5
What does Paul say helped reveal the power and the Spirit?

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Paul understands that in his ________ the _____ that God has given him is visible.

Which of the intelligences is Paul using in these passages to help people understand God.

A Personal Invitation

I invite all of you who follow Jesus, wherever you are, to spend time every day renewing your personal relationship with him, letting him touch your hearts.


As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love. John 15:9

Loving God and Father, open my mind and heart to the realization that Jesus is one of the greatest gifts in my life. You invite me through him to a new way of seeing and loving. Beginning today, I will try to be more conscious that Jesus loves me and abides with me, and I will try to renew my relationship with him in all I do today. Amen

Today I will set aside a space in my home, if only a small corner, where I can light a candle as a reminder that Jesus abides in me, here and now, and always.

Whose Truth?


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Bible Readings:

Skim these Scripture passages. Pick one that appeals to you and

  1. summarize its main point,
  2. tell how it relates to the theme “Understanding Epistemology”,
  3. list one or two thoughts that entered your mind when you read it.

The Wealth of Wisdom Proverbs 8:1-10

Nature and Gods Will Job 38:1-7

Solomon 1 Kings 3:6-14

Balaam Numbers 22:22-35

God’s Will Everywhere Acts 17:22-28


Most likely you’ve been in an argument with your parents – or with somebody – when suddenly it all became clear: They’re right.

But you keep arguing. When that happens, you’re not honestly looking for the truth. What are you looking for? Why?

Quotable Quotes:

“Truth is to be sought in a manner proper to the dignity of the human person and our social nature. The inquiry is to be free, carried on with the aid of teaching … and a dialogue. In the course of these, we explain to one another the truth we have discovered, or think we have discovered, in order thus to assist one another in the quest for truth.” Vatican Council II, Declaration on Religious Freedom, 3


Bring to class some object whose purpose you are betting no one else in the class can guess. Whoever in the class stumps everybody else, including the teacher, wins a prize.

Glory Road Essay Question: What Does It Take to Change the World?

After viewing the film Glory Road write a 5 paragraph essay response to the question: What Does It Take to Change the World?

Pick and choose from the following six ideas to develop your own thesis and topic sentences. In your essay refer to specific detail from the film, your own experiences, and passages from Scripture to develop your response to the question: What Does It Take to Change the World?

One: Recruiting Strategies
(read Luke 14:15-24; 1 Corinthians 1:24-31; and John 3:16-18; John 1:12-13)

  • How does Coach Haskins change his recruiting methods after the traditional methods fail?
    In school, when a team “captain” was choosing up sides for a team — what determined if someone got picked or not?
  • Have you ever wanted to be part of something — knowing you could do well — only to be rejected? Or have you ever rejected someone because of their race, the way they talked, the clothes they wore, or where they lived? Describe your experience.
  • When Paul comments about “the wise” who do you think he is talking about? Who would represent the “wise” in Glory Road?
  • What kind of people does God “recruit?”
  • What does God use as His standard for who makes the team?

Two: Good Players Need Good Coaching
(read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; 2 Timothy 2:2-7)

  • Name some of the behaviors that players on the Texas Western team had to overcome in order to become winners.
  • What kinds of things did Coach Haskins do to discipline his team so that they would work together?
  • What does the Bible say about why some people might not work well together?
  • Name some roles Christians play in changing the world for Christ.
  • Describe a coaching or mentoring relationship you have or had in school. What effect did the coaching have on your performance? What characteristics did you most appreciate in the person who was helping you?
  • What does Timothy — and the rest of us — learn about playing on God’s team from each of the examples that Paul uses?
  • Where should we go to find out what we should do, what the rules are, and how to work hard?
  • Once we have learned how to change the world for Christ, what does Paul say we should do with that knowledge?

Three: Great Players Persevere
(read 1 Peter 5:8; 1 Peter 4:12-19; James 1:2-3, 12 and Romans 5:1-5)

  • What were some of the responses people had when the Texas Western team began to win — especially when they began to beat highly-ranked teams?
  • Once things got really bad, what happened to the team?
  • How was their internal conflict demonstrated outwardly?
  • Who is one of our opponents?
  • Why shouldn’t we be surprised that we face opposition?
  • What does it mean to be reviled?
  • What do James and Paul say we should do in the face of difficult opposition?
  • What is the end result of endurance and perseverance?

Four: Players Don’t Stand Alone
(read Romans 12:4-13, Philippians 2:1-11 and Hebrews 10:23-25)

  • When Coach Haskins announces his decision to his team — what is their response?
  • Some of the white players would never again get a chance to play in a championship tournament, so why do you think they agreed to sit out the game?
  • What lines of support did you see develop that helped Texas Western to prevail? According to the Bible, what are some ways we can show support for one another?
  • How does meeting together regularly contribute to the support of all members?

Five: All Players Triumph through Belief and Action
(read James 2:14-26)

  • What obstacles have you overcome in your life?
  • Can you give some examples of how action confirms belief?
  • What kind of actions can you take that will lead others to Jesus and help to change the world for Christ

Six: Go Play to Win!
(read 1 Corinthians 9:25-27)

  • What one thing will you change about yourself this week to help win the world for Christ?
  • What one thing will you commit yourself to do for someone else in this room to help them in their faith
  • Discuss what you can do to reach out to others and help them to join God’s team.

NRSV translation of the related Scriptures from
James 2:1-10
Luke 14:15-24
1 Corinthians 1:24-31
John 3:16-18
John 1:12-13
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
2 Timothy 2:2-7
1 Peter 5:8
1 Peter 4:12-19
James 1:2-3
James 1:12
Romans 5:1-5
Romans 12:4-13
Philippians 2:1-11
Hebrews 10:23-25
James 2:14-26
1 Corinthians 9:25-27