CCCB Reiterates Objections to Recreational Cannabis Legalization

Source: CCCB

The Catholic Church for its part continues to underline the ethical problems involved with the recreational use and abuse of this drug: the negative risks that impact on psychological and physical health, the growing problems of a society more and more dependent on drugs and alcohol, the possibility of brain damage especially to those under the age of 25, the negative repercussions on families and local communities, and unfortunately the willingness of businesses and governments to exploit the drug for commercial interests and as a source of tax revenue, thereby even further jeopardizing the pursuit of the common good.

Right Intent

The second step on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism is called Right Intent.

This has to do with willingness. It is not enough to understand the Four Noble Truths. We must be willing to base our actions on them. Sometimes we know something is good for us but we don’t do it, or we continue to do something we know is bad for us.

We all have things we know we should be doing, but we don’t do. They can be small things, like taking vitamins. They can be big things, like preparing ourselves for life after school.

Write about something you know you should be doing, but don’t do and why you don’t do it