The Eightfold Path

The Buddha devised the Eightfold Path to help others free themselves from suffering. The path calls for eight practices: Right Views, Right Intent, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Work ,Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.

Think about what each of these practices might mean. How could they be applied? Choose one practice and explain how you could apply it in your life.

Right Views

The first step on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism is called Right Views. This step means that you see clearly what is wrong with life.

It also means that you understand the Four Noble Truths: we suffer by grasping at things we do not need and running from things that we need not fear, but we can be freed from suffering if we follow the Eightfold Path.

Write about you grasping at things you do not need and things you fear for no reason.

Right Intent

The second step on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism is called Right Intent.

This has to do with willingness. It is not enough to understand the Four Noble Truths. We must be willing to base our actions on them. Sometimes we know something is good for us but we don’t do it, or we continue to do something we know is bad for us.

We all have things we know we should be doing, but we don’t do. They can be small things, like taking vitamins. They can be big things, like preparing ourselves for life after school.

Write about something you know you should be doing, but don’t do and why you don’t do it

Right Speech

The third step on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism is called Right Speech. According to Buddhism, we are not aware of our own speech, but the way we speak can affect our behaviour.

Buddhism, asks people to avoid lies, slander, harsh words, and frivolous speech.

What effect do these things have on other people? Write of a time when you heard someone lying or using harsh words. How did it affect you?

Right Conduct

Right Conduct is the fourth step on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. It asks people not to kill, steal, or commit sexual misconduct.

According to Buddhists, every action creates karma. Karmas are like seeds; a small action will grow into something large. If that action is bad, the result will be bad. It is important, therefore, to avoid bad actions.

Have you ever seen or read about someone who acted in a bad way and had it lead to a bad result? Could the bad action have been avoided? Describe what happened.

Right Work

Right Work is the fifth step on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. This step encourages people to earn a living from a morally sound job. The way you make a living should not conflict with your spiritual progress.

What kinds of jobs do you think would conflict with spiritual progress? Why? What jobs would fit in with making spiritual progress? Why? List as many of both as you can.

Right Effort

Right Effort is the sixth step on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. Right Effort means applying yourself diligently in everything you do.

Sometimes we perform tasks halfheartedly because we don’t like them or we’re in a hurry. Right Effort asks people to give every action their full attention and effort.

To what do you apply yourself fully? Why do these things receive your complete attention and effort?

Right Mindfulness

Right Mindfulness is the seventh step on the Eightfold Path. According to Buddhism, the mind is very powerful. It can affect every part of our lives. However, most of us pass the day in an unmindful state. We are not aware of what we do or of what happens around us.

Spend a few minutes practicing mindfulness. Look around you. Write down everything you see. Listen closely. What sounds can you distinguish? Write them down. Now listen to yourself. What thoughts pass through your head? Write them down.

Right Concentration

The final step of the Eightfold Path of Buddhism is Right Concentration. Have you ever looked through an unfocused camera or microscope? Everything is blurred.

Focusing the lens makes a difference in what can be seen; the image becomes sharp and clear. This is similar to the difference Right Concentration can make. It helps you to see things as they really are, instead of a blurred version.

Most of us find it easy to focus on some things, but hard to focus on others. Still, we can practice focusing so that it becomes easier.

What are you able to focus on easily? What things are harder for you to focus on? List them. Why do you think it is harder for you to focus on some things more than others? What can you do to change this?

Right Association

The Buddha stressed the importance of right association. He said that people cannot find the truth unless the people they spend time with also seek the truth.

Think of a situation where a person’s decisions are affected by the people around them. Describe a real or made up situation.