General Outcomes 1: Explore how believing is integral to human living (8-18 hours). Investigate the role of truth, goodness, the spiritual and religious community in the search to believe (4-5 hours).
Focus: What does it mean to believe? What contributes to our beliefs? What do you believe? Can something come from nothing? Does God exist? Do humans have immortal soul? Do humans have free will? What does it mean to be a Christian in the world today?
Specific Topics:
- What does God think about us?
- What kind of person do I want to become?
- Basis of Belief.
- Important moments?
- Reflect on what you believe.
- I believe in music.
- Personal Essay Tips.
- Values
- Personal Writing Prompts
- What do you believe?
General Outcomes 2: Study the Bible as a source of Christian belief (11-17.5 hours). Understand the message of Jesus (21-42 hours). Identify ways in which Christians cooperate in bringing about the Reign of God (10-35 Hours).
Focus: What is the relationship between the Bible and Christian beliefs? How does the Catholic community understand the Bible? Why is Jesus important? What did Jesus teach? Can something come from nothing? Does God exist? Do humans have immortal soul? Do humans have free will? What does it mean to be a Christian in the world today?
Specific Topics:
- The last supper.
- The life of Jesus.
- Temptation.
- Jesus and the money changers.
- The teachings of Jesus.
- Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots.
- Pharisees and Jesus.
- The lost sheep.
- The prodigal son.
- The Rich Fool.
- The Golden Rule.
- Love of enemies.
- The treasure and the pearl.
- The Good Samaritan.
- Paralyzed.
- Blindness.
- The wild man of Gerasenes.
- Have no fear.
- Doing good works.
- The importance of love.
General Outcomes 3: Explore believing in the Great Religions of the East, Hinduism and Buddhism (8-12 hours).
Focus: How can we better understand the Great Religions of the East? Can something come from nothing? Does God exist? Do humans have immortal soul? Do humans have free will? What does it mean to be a Christian in the world today?
Specific Topics:
Final Exam Hint:
Final Exam: Seven key themes of Social Justice What does it mean to be a Christian in the world today? What does the Catholic Church teach about Social Justice?
Religious Studies 25 Course General Outline
Religious Studies 25 Focus Questions: Believing is Integral to Human Living