Religion 25: Believing

1. Course Philosophy
The program addresses real life issues. What do I believe about myself, others, God? How am I to live my life? In the search to find answers to such questions, adolescents will make decisions.

The beliefs adolescents hold will greatly influence the choices they make. For the most part, their beliefs are not solidified. They still have many discoveries to make before they settle for life-long commitments. But for now, they search.

2. General Outcomes/Themes
The student will:

  • Explore how believing is integral to human living.
  • Investigate the role of truth, goodness, the spiritual and religious community in the search to believe.
  • Explore believing in the Great Religions of the East, Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Study the Bible as a source of Christian belief.
  • Understand the message of Jesus.
  • Identify ways in which Christians cooperate in bringing about the Reign of God.

Believing is Integral to Human Living

3. Assessment
A person’s relationship with God is a matter of conscience, the internal forum of the soul. God alone is the arbiter of souls (and then again, who can plumb the depths of Divine Mercy?). It is important, therefore, that we avoid the grading or evaluation of a student’s faith.

We grade the knowledge the student has acquired based on the program of studies and the skills the student is able to show in articulating his/her knowledge.

A wide range of assessment information is used in the development of a student’s final grade. Individualized assessments provide specific information regarding student progress and overall performance in class. Student assessment may vary from student to student to adapt to differences in student needs, learning styles, preferences, and paces. Not all assignments are used for assessment.

4. Course Work and Evaluation
5 Credits:

  1. Christian Action Assignment ~ 15% (suggested minimum hours of service = 10 – typically these would not be instructional hours)
  2. Course work: ~ 55% (may include assignments, presentations, journals, reviews, notes, research projects, portfolios, exams and quizzes)
  3. Final Exam: ~ 25%

3 Credits:

  1. Course work: ~ 75% (may include assignments, presentations, journals, reviews, notes, research projects, portfolios, exams and quizzes)
  2. Final Exam: ~ 25%

5. Primary Resources
Hengel, Dr. John van den, et al. World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective. Nelson, 1970.
O’Malley, William J. Building Your Own Conscience (Batteries Not Included). Tabor Pub., 1992.
Linn, Dennis, et al. Good Goats: Healing Our Image of God. Paulist Press, 1993.
Young, William P. The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity. Windblown Media, 1970,

Reading List