Religious Education (Roman Catholic) 8

Instructor: Mr D. Sader, St. Jerome’s Catholic School

1. Course Philosophy

Theme: Stand by Me

Building on the scriptural themes of Grade 7, the Grade 8 program focuses students’ attention on the person of Jesus Christ, revealed as the fullness and perfect image of God. Your teen will reflect on the last part of the Apostles’ Creed, which is studied as the summation of the faith that has been handed on to us through the Church. They will study key aspects of the Sacraments and reflect on the Ten Commandments. Your teen is invited to a meaningful life based on Gospel values and morality, a call to hope and personal faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through a study of the various forms of prayer and sacramental celebrations, they are encouraged to make life-affirming choices as a response to Jesus’ invitation to live a life of love and service.

2. General Outcomes:
Unit 1: We believe in the Holy Spirit.
Unit 2: We believe in the holy Church.
Unit 3: We believe in one Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Unit 4: We believe in the communion of saints.
Unit 5: We believe in the forgiveness of sins.
Unit 6: We believe in the resurrection of the body.
Unit 7: We believe in life everlasting.
Unit 8: Amen.

Roman Catholic Perspectives

3. Assessment
Assessment in all classes will occur on a regular basis. Assessment strategies fit into two broad categories: Assessment FOR Learning(during), and Assessment OF learning(after).

Assessment FOR Learning occurs during instruction and looks like discussion, peer review, student meetings, sharing questions and answers, revision, rewriting, personal reflection. Example assessments during learning: “Start an Online Discussion,” “Hamlet IV,iv Discussion,” “Honour and Certainty,” “Pillars of Character,” “Group Novel Study,” “Story Study Guide.”

Assessment OF Learning occurs midway through or at the end or a unit of instruction and looks like high stakes tests, midterm and final exams, end of unit tests, portfolios. Example assessments after learning: “Applying for a Summer Job,” “Choices Essay,” “Portfolio 10,” “Hamlet: Final Response,” “ELA 30 Final Exam.”

Marks taken during assessments and evaluations will contribute toward the “Total Points” final grade. Each unit of study uses various types of evaluations such as exams, assignments, collaborations, presentations. The weighting of each mark contributes to the overall course grade. Late assignments will not be accepted after the end of unit due dates. Refer to the student handbook for appeals procedures.

4. Course Work and Evaluation
Term 1 Marks collected from course beginning to 1st report card cut-off
Term 2 Marks collected from course beginning to semester break cut-off.

5. Primary Resources
The Fourth R: Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth, David Wolfe, Ph.D
Stand By Me, Year 8 CCCB

Students are encouraged, but not required, to bring their own electronic internet devices into the classroom. These devices include and are not limited to laptops (any OS), Chromebooks, smartphones, tablets. Basically, if the device can browse the school’s website via Google Chrome, it would be useful in the classroom (most days). Student use of any device must comply with the School Acceptable Use Policy.

Alberta Education Resources for Parents

“My Child’s Learning”:
Learn More About Health and Life Skills Grade 8
Religious Education 8

“Program of Studies (2002)”: Learn More About Program of Studies (2002)
“Wellness Education”: Learn More About Wellness Education Framework
“Youth Relationships”: Learn More About