The Qur’an

The Islamic holy book is known as the Qur’an, or Koran. The word Qur’an means “recitation.” It records Muhammad’s revelations from Allah.

Until about 650 C.E., the Qur’an existed only in oral form. Muhammad shared his revelations with his followers, who memorized his words. Then about twenty years after Muhammad’s death, all the revelations ere gathered together in written form.

Some Muslims objected to writing down Muhammad’s revelations. They said that if Muhammad had wanted these revelations committed to writing, he would have asked his followers to do this during his lifetime. Other leaders felt that it was essential. Their view prevailed, and the written Qur’an was prepared.

What reasons can you think of for writing down the revelations of Muhammad? List as many reasons as you can.

The Gift of Life

In Islam, life is considered a gift from Allah. Accepting this gift leaves us with two obligations.

First, we must show our gratitude for this gift.

Second, in return for this gift, we must give ourselves to Allah by surrendering ourselves to his wishes.

Do you believe that life is a “gift?’ Explain why or why not.