Read about Howard Gardner’s eight “signs” of intelligence (and at wikipedia).
Consider the first seven intelligences for this activity:
- Spatial – picture smart
- Bodily-Kinesthetic – body smart
- Musical – music smart
- Linguistic – word smart
- Logical-mathematical – number smart
- Interpersonal – people smart
- Intrapersonal – self smart
Small Group Process:
Task 1: Form groups of 7, each member of the group studies a “set” or readings/questions. Each member then reports to the group: give a brief summary of the passage and share answers to the questions. If your group is short a member or two, divide the work fairly so all sets get done.
Task 2: The group members together complete the following task. Using the scripture passages below find:
- 2 examples of the importance and/or value of musical intelligence
- 3 people who are word smart
- 2 people who use logical intelligence
- 2 people whose understanding of Jesus is rooted in the intelligence of relationships
- 1 person who is self smart
- 3 passages that rely on spatial intelligence
- 1 person who uses physical intelligence to understand Jesus.
Set A
Luke 10:38-42
What does Mary do?
John 11:5-6
What is Jesus’ attitude toward Mary, Martha and Lazarus?
John 11:20-22
What is Martha’s faith based on? Logic? A Convincing argument? Her relationship with Jesus.
Set B
Exodus 4:10-17
What is Aaron’s role?
Acts 8:26-38
Who are the two people in this story?
Why does one of them choose to be baptized?
Set C
2 Chronicles 5:11-14
What happens right before God’s presence fills the temple?
1 Samuel 16:23
Who calms Saul and how?
Set D
John 1:3-9
How is Jesus described in this passage?
Mark 13:24-27
How does Jesus speak about the second coming?
Ezekiel 1:4-28
Ezekial uses (music / logic / images / human relationships) to help understand God.
Set E
Exodus 18:13-27
What is Moses’ problem?
Who helps him solve it in a logical step by step way?
John 11:16
Who has a very matter-of-fact attitude?
What does he say?
John 20:24-29
Whose need for proof does Jesus understand and accept?
Set F
Luke 5:4-11
When does Peter first begin to understand Jesus?
Matthew 14:24-33
What does Peter do when he sees Jesus?
Matthew 17:1-8
What does Peter suggest in this passage?
John 13:3-10
What does Jesus do? how does Peter respond?
Based on these passages, which of the intelligences does Peter often use to understand and respond to Jesus?
Set G
Romans 7:14-23
Who does Paul talk about as he tries to explain law and grace?
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
What does Paul say helped reveal the power and the Spirit?
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Paul understands that in his ________ the _____ that God has given him is visible.
Which of the intelligences is Paul using in these passages to help people understand God.