Dead Man Walking Reflection 1

Select one of the questions to answer.

1.  Scene:  Matthew’s lawyer, Millard Farmer, was discussing the up coming Pardon Board hearing.  During that discussion, the lawyer says, “It’s easy to kill a monster.  It’s hard to kill a human being.  That’s why we need people that know you.” Is it possible for a human being to be less than a human being?  Explain. If needed, Get More Info before you take the decision.  Does society justify killing by viewing people as something less than human?  Support your answer with examples.  Here is an example of where dehumanization language was used, Severin suspended.

2.   Mr. Percy, Hope’s (one of the murder victims) father, says, “Matthew is God’s mistake!” Do you agree with Mr. Percy?  Does God make mistakes?   Here is an interesting response to that question from  What causes human beings, created in the image of God, to commit such inhuman acts as rape and murder?  Provide a detailed response to this question.

Ethical Issues Reflection:Dead Man Walking

Select the page at the right titled, Dead Man Walking Reflection 1 or 2 (whichever you are asked to do) and select one of the questions to answer.  Remember, what I am looking for is some deeper level thinking that young adults, at a grade twelve level, should be able to do.  The rubic at the right titled, Reflection Rubric will be used to grade this assignment.  When you have completed the reflection, print it and hand it in.picture-11

Dead Poets Society Reflection 2

The following are two sets of questions relating to the movie Dead Poets Society.  Answer one of the sets of questions.  The reflection rubric will be used to grade this assignment.

Set One:

Answer the following three questions in a paragraph

  1. Would Neil Perry still have eventually committed suicide if Mr. Keating, his English teacher, had never come into his life? Why exactly did Neil take his own life? [Note:  To properly answer a questions such as these, find out why people commit suicide] Who really was to blame for Neil’s death?
  2. Could have Neil’s death have been prevented?  Could of his classmates have prevented his suicide?  [Note:  To properly answer a questions such as these, find out how suicide can be prevented] Could Neil have found another way out of his predicament? Was suicide his only answer?
  3. With similarly screwed up parents as Neil’s, why didn’t Todd take the same way out?

Set Two:

Answer the next two questions in a paragraph

  1. Just before the boys are called to testify, Cameron enters the room and is forced to defend his decision. He tells his friends, “Look, in case you haven’t heard, there is a honor code at this school, alright. If the teacher asks you a question, you tell the truth or you’re expelled”. Was Cameron following natural law?  Why or why not?  Was Cameron demonstrating character? Explain using specific examples from the movie.
  2. In the initial screenplay, Todd specifically does not sign the paper at the end. In the movie, we are not told one way or the other. Did Todd sign it or not? Why or why not? What would a person of character do? Explain. deadpoetsociety

Dead Poets Society Reflection 1

picture-12Select one of the questions below and answer it. When you have completed your answers, print it off and hand it in. The reflection rubric will be used to grade this assignment.


1. There is a scene whereby the English teacher, Mr. Keating, asks the students to read their original poems. When he asks Todd Anderson to read his, Todd says, “I didn’t do it. I didn’t write a poem”. Keating responds with, “Mr. Anderson thinks everything inside him is worthless and embarrassing. Isn’t that right, Todd? That’s your worst fear. I think you’re wrong. I think you have something inside that’s worth a great deal.” What is Todd’s self esteem like? What is Anderson so afraid of? Was Todd using one of the evasions of self-esteem? Which one? Could 1 John 4:18, which says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love”, provide a solution to Todd’s problem? Was Keating using love to help Todd?

2. There is a scene when Keating has his students marching in the courtyard. During that scene he tells them, “Conformity. The difficulty in maintaining your own beliefs in the face of others…Now we all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular. Even though the herd may go ‘ That’s bad.’ Robert Frost said, ‘ Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.’” Is Mr. Keating really referring to character or is he referring to personality? Explain with what you learned about character and personality in class. Could John Keating be saying the same thing as it says in Romans 12:2? It says in Romans, Do not be conformed to this world,* but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

RS 35: Reflection: Is Conscience Something to Pay Attention to?

Religious Studies 35 Reflection Question

In the article Conscience and truth. it says “Catholic moral theology teaches that conscience is the highest norm and that one must always follow it, even against opposing dictates of legitimate authority”.  Pope Benedict XVI, (before he was pope) once said Conscience is the highest norm … and one must follow it even against authority”.

Produce a  typewritten unified response to the following.

Select the page titled Temptation  and read the hypothetical situation presented along with the question it poses.   Answer the question, being mindful of the information given above as well as what you have learned about conscience in class.  Your answer must clearly explain your reasons for the decision and must reflect some things learned in class.  Upon providing your decision with its reasons, then analyze your response by explaining what your decision says about your conscience.  What is motivating you to make the decision you’ve made?  Is your decision motivated by your conscience, by your superego, or is it motivated because of selfish motives (id or ego)?  Be honest.  There is no right and wrong answer.  What is important here is your self reflection.  I’m hoping that you will discover something about yourself.  This assignment will be graded using the reflection rubric.  You can view this rubric by clicking the reflection rubric page.