A Closer Look: Peace vs Just War

Over the centuries, the Catholic Church has developed a teaching on peace and just war.

Peace: CCC 2304

Peace, it states, is the result of justice and charity. One must always be a creator of peace and reconciliation.

Just War: CCC 2309

If relationships between peoples become so tense that war threatens, certain clear conditions for a legitimate defensive war must be maintained. For example, all other means to resolve conflict must have been exhausted before resorting to military force as a way to defend oneself.


Take a closer look at a current conflict in the world. Write about the conflict as an advocate of Peace or Just War.


Not an option, justice is a mandate of Catholic faith. From the beginning, the educational mission of the church has been seem as participation in God’s saving mission. The divine edict of justice requires education for personal and social transformation.

The Catholic school, since it is motivated by the gospel message of Jesus Christ to proclaim liberty to the oppressed, is particularly sensitive to the call from every part of the world for a more just society, and it tries to make its own contribution towards it. It does not stop at the courageous teaching of the demands into practice, first in its own community in the daily life of the school, and then in the wider community.

Catholic schools aim towards a synthesis of faith and culture, of faith and life, syntheses that characterize mature faith. A mature faith will be able to recognize and reject cultural counter-values which threaten human dignity and are therefore contrary to the gospel.

Although all the problems of religion and faith will not be completely solved by academic studies, nevertheless, the Catholic school should be a privileged place for finding adequate ways to deal with these problems.

Strategies to incorporate the Justice Dimension of Catholic schools:

RS 25/35 Reflection: Is Racism a Social Justice Issue in Canada?

Is racism a problem in Canada?  We as Canadians like to see ourselves as a tolerant, multicultural society, but are we.  Read at least three of these articles and you decide.

Racism on the Canadian Prairies

Survey on Racism (2015)

Canadians can’t be smug about racism

Hate Crimes

Views of Aboriginals Worsening

Anti-Racism Protest

Reflection Question:

Explain how racism is different from discrimination or  prejudice? Based on the news articles you’ve read, is racism a problem in Canada?  Support your opinion from evidence from at least one of the articles.  Is racism a problem in Vermilion? Clearly explain why or why not using examples from your experiences or knowledge.

Seven Key Themes of Social Justice

Write an essay explaining which of the seven key themes of social justice is most important to you and why?