Theme 1: How do I look?
Students will
- value the sacredness of the human body, regardless of appearance
- identify ways that we can co-operate with God in car- ing for our bodies
- express ways in which the Incarnation shows the sacredness of the human body
- respect physical change as integral to God’s creation of us
- understand the ways we use our bodies in prayer
Key Concepts
- The Incarnation shows us the sacredness of the human body.
- Jesus affirms the dignity of every person.
- We are made in the image and likeness of God.
- The fifth commandment underlines the sacredness of human life.
- We are called to co-operate with God in the care of our bodies.
- God’s creation of us does not end: we constantly change physically; we are called to respect that change in ourselves and others.
Theme 2: How do I know what I know?
Students will
- identify their own preferred ways of learning
- name a variety of ways of learning and of growing intellectually
- respect the unique intellect of each person
- consider how intellect shapes faith
- realize God’s desire to be known through Jesus Christ
Key Concepts
- Each person has a unique way of learning.
- The fifth commandment underlines the value of all people, regardless of their abilities.
- God desires all to come to know the truth – especially religious truth, which enables us to know and love God.
- Searching, questioning and doubt may be avenues to intellectual growth.
- We change intellectually throughout life; this is part of God’s plan.
Theme 3: Is it okay to feel this way?
Students will
- identify emotions and their functions in their lives
- demonstratehowfaith guides how we act in response to our emotions
- respect the right of all people to experience their own feelings
- understand that there are morally acceptable and morally unacceptable ways to express any emotion
Key Concepts
- “Blessedarethosewho mourn, for they will be com- forted” (Matthew 5.4).
- God created us to experience a wide range of emotions.
- Everyhumanlife,fromthe moment of conception until death, is sacred because the human person has been willed for its own sake in the image and likeness of the living and holy God (CCC #2319). The way we express our emotions must respect the sacredness of all human life.
- ThroughouremotionsGod calls us to decision and action.
- Ouremotionsareagiftthat helps us to relate to others and to God.
- Emotions are not “good” or “bad” in themselves. “Passions are morally good when they contribute to a good action, evil in the opposite case…. Emotions and feelings can be taken up into the virtues or perverted by the vices.” (CCC #1768)
- Our faith guides our expression of emotions so that we, and those with whom we relate, become more loving.
Theme 4: How do I get along with others?
Students will
- explain how they are social beings responsible for the care of one another in accordance with God’s plan
- summarize stories where Jesus models how to live in and challenge society
- interpret the model of table fellowship, as used by Jesus Christ, for their own lives
- explain how the Christian concept of society is inclusive
Key Concepts
- “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5.9).
- God created us as social beings, called to love and serve one another.
- Jesusmodelshowtolivein and challenge society.
- The Christian concept of society is inclusive.
- Faith shapes our criteria for healthy relationships.
- Through table fellowship, Jesus changed the stan- dard for how people relate socially.