
The fundamental task of Catholic schools is the integration of faith and culture and the integration of faith and life. The task is reached by integrating all the different aspects of human knowledge and in the growth of the virtues characteristic of Christians. Through this integration, the Catholic school models the kind of community that forms students to be citizens who care for the common good and and people of faith committed to the reign of God in the world. Catholic schools contribute to the common good of society.

Strategies to develop the Community Dimension of Catholic Schools:

  • Invite reflection on the mission statement of the school and/or school jurisdiction
  • Encourage committees that will animate the life of the school
  • Celebrate the unity within the diversity of the school population
  • Celebrate and participate in societal and community events and church sponsored initiatives such as Family Day, United Nations Day, Ecumenism
  • Foster social consciousness by addressing social ills through events such as Share Lent, Elimination of Racism Day
  • Integrate community service programs and projects into the life of the school
  • Hold induction ceremonies for new staff, students, parents, welcoming them into the community
  • Communicate to school community members about the life of the school

What does the community dimension mean for a Catholic school community?